Loose Lips Sink Ships

Posted by on May 17, 2012 in Nutrition | 211 comments

It’s easy to forget that what you put in your mouth has a direct correlation to your health. So, here is your reminder:

What you put in your mouth directly affects your health.

If you could combat diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis in one fell swoop…would you? OF COURSE you would. (If you said no, stop here. You have bigger fish to fry. Your goal is to find an available soul).

I’m not sure if you have noticed, but we live in, lets say a “There’s A Pill For That” society. People all over our country treat their bodies like crap, run their health into the ground, and then claim their ‘only option’ is to combat their ills with pills. Add to this the fact we are in a generation where at least half (I dare say: it is much higher) of the population expects everything to be instantaneous, and we have ourselves a volatile situation. Unhealthy, misinformed individuals making poor lifestyle decisions and then looking for a quick way out. Not at all awesome sauce.

Instant gratification: Email. (HAH! That’s the pony express nowaday.) Text messages. Status updates. Twitter. Next day shipping…heck, SAME day shipping. Google at your fingertips. TV on demand. Christmas decor in August (HATE). Credit cards you WAVE (who has time to swipe?!? Clearly only losers.). Infomercial products (Shake weight, anyone?). Pain killers. Weight loss surgery.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am all for innovation and doing things a smarter way: minimum input for maximum results is fabulous. But minimum input for subpar results? When it comes to the quality of your life? There are just some corners not worth cutting.

Like what you put in your mouth.

While we are on the subject of pills, lets head down that road for a minute. (There are so many directions to go in, but this is just a synopsis, remember.) There is evidence being collected at an alarming rate that the pills we are taking to combat poor lifestyle decisions and diseases of the Standard American Diet can cause as much harm as good.  Patients taking pills without changing their habits must then often be prescribed higher doses. These stress their bodies more and more, leave them susceptible to more chance for side effects, and often result in greater health issues.

Full month supply for 5 easy payments of $29.99!

Let’s use Type 2 diabetes as an example, with the help of our lovely Angie. “You start a patient on the drugs and initially they are very effective at lowering blood glucose. But the patient continues to destroy their pancreas with inflammatory foods and the drugs eventually quit working or require dual or triple drug therapy from different approaches to try and lower the blood glucose. Often it takes only a few years of oral drug therapy until the patient become insulin dependent and thus needle dependent. Once a patient makes it to this stage, they will never again have a blood glucose level that is in the normal range, regardless of what they do.” Fix it with a pill, huh? Do those results sound anything like instant fixes? (And I even left out the part out about high blood glucose levels over time leading to blindness, impotence, vascular disease, and amputation! Oh wait, now it’s not left out…I’m so sneaky) How about we just nip a majority of these health problems in the bud by

eliminating grains, legumes, sugar, and dairy?

According to Beau, the instant gratification factor comes into play in the gym most often from us lovely ladies. It sounds a little something like, “I want to loose THIS.” (Insert specific body part/area of body you are currently least happy with.) In other words, targeted weight loss, or…shall we say, spot reduction? Sorry cave ladies (and gentleman). That’s just not the way the cookie crumbles. Not to fear! You know what makes trouble-spots less troubling? And good parts even better? Back squats, dead lifts, sprinting, and 


Need an example? Look at the results from CFR’s paleo challenge, #1(May 2011) or #2(Jan-Feb 2012). Members (including some who were feeling frustrated by the mirror) buckled down on their eating, and all of the sudden (SARCASM), began to see major results. We are talking about a bunch of good looking people who, thanks to CFR’s programming and coaching, were already strong and fast. Many were even eating in a way that somewhat resembled paleo at least part of the time. What happened? They ALL got stronger, faster, more energized, saw positive changes in their reflections…they became healthier.  

And they didn’t even have to take a pill.

What you put in your mouth directly affects your health…and your reflection.

Fancy That. They should get someone to blog about this stuff or something.

Until Next Time…



2 Responses to “Loose Lips Sink Ships”

  1. We could go on all day about this couldn’t we Mall?? People who think they are doomed to these diseases simply because their parents or grandparents had it…which is totally the easy way out. And just because you have the genetic predisposition does NOT mean you have to be irresponsible and do your damndest to flip the switch to full throttle disease status. It is not a certainty and it is not your parents’ fault. I hear this way too often. Like the person has zero choice in the matter. But what happens when a person with diabetes gets gastric bypass or band surgery?? Amazingly enough, with the weight loss and “eating healthier” they tend to come off every.single.med. Diabetes and hypertension REVERSED and clinically undetectable. Unfortunately though, as common as this scenario is post surgery, fast forward to 3 years out and many if not most have found a way to persevere with their horrific eating habits and work themselves back up to pre-surgery weight OR beyond and back on their prior medicines plus some. Totally disheartening. Nothing worse than making excuses to continue to slowly destroy your body. Just because mom, dad or grandma have/had it, does NOT mean you have no choice or control in the matter. Quite the opposite in fact. But I’m sure we at CFR already know all this. That is why we continue to fight the good fight :) Keep up the good work everyone. It pays off in the end! (apologies for my rant :) –Angie

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