A Cupcake…is a Cupcake

Posted by on Oct 11, 2012 in Nutrition | 211 comments

This is a blog about honest tea.

You’ve all seen that on the shelves, right? Of course you have. Well-that’s not what we are talking about today. I was just being punny.

It’s the 12th day of October. For many of you, that means there are more than 5 weeks left of the paleo challenge. It also means that there is plenty of time left to change the way you think about eating paleo. I’m just going to come out and say it: Some of you honestly need to do this. (See how I did that right there!?) Hang onto your hats, this could get ugly.

A cupcake…is a cupcake.

Paleo or Not Paleo?

No alarm bells ringing? Let me try again…

A paleo cupcake…is a cupcake.

Sure, you swapped things out and subbed things in until the ingredient list qualified as paleo, but lets not fool ourselves. You just bit into fluffy, sweet goodness. What about that isn’t a cupcake?

Don’t get me wrong, cupcakes are delicious. And usually very pretty. I dare say cupcakes even make people smile. Triple win for you, cupcakes.


Cupcakes don’t grow on trees. They don’t have four legs and a mom (like most things we paleo people enjoy!!). A paleo cupcake is not helping you challenge the way you relate to food. It’s still a carb-heavy item that you probably ate in-between mealtimes. Why did you want a cupcake? Were you even hungry when you ate it? I bet not. That paleo cupcake is  likely keeping you right where you were in how you relate to food…with more expensive ingredients.

Challenge can be defined as the following:

  •  to confront or defy boldly
  •  a calling to account or into question
  • a stimulating task or problem

So. During this paleo challenge, I challenge you to challenge the way you see food (not in the visual sense, smart-alecs).  Sound challenging?!?

It should. (See above definition!)

Instead of substituting the dickens out of your favorite cupcake recipe (or pancake, or muffin, or pizza crust, etc…which, I am really sorry to say, but will never, EVER, taste exactly the same), eat real food, and take the next 5 weeks to first identify and then start challenging. Instead of spending your time figuring out how to make ‘regular’ food paleo, use it to begin changing your relationship with ‘regular’ food.

Am I saying that you should never eat cupcakes again? No. Am I saying there is no room for anything other than perfect when you eat paleo? No. Am I saying I don’t indulge in paleo pizza or even a gluten-free brownie (gasp!!) now and then? No.

What I am saying it this. You’ve been at this for several weeks now. You know you can be grain, sugar, legume and dairy free. The hardest, and most important, part now is figuring out YOUR OWN reason(s) to stay paleo when the only one holding you accountable…is you. Without defining it for yourself, what will keep you from going right back to where you started…with too-tight pants, fighting acid-reflux with a purple pill…? Take the challenge.

Remember… in the world, there will always be cupcakes.

Until Next Time…



One Response to “A Cupcake…is a Cupcake”

  1. Amem!! Cup cakes, even gluten free use to be my favorite but are just WAY to sweet for me now. I don’t even think about them anymore. Do I still have a sweet tooth, you bet ya! But I can eat an apple and get the same effect, almost:) Keep up the good work everyone!!!!

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