Call Me an Elf ONE MORE TIME…

Posted by on Nov 30, 2012 in Nutrition | 211 comments

For those of you who do not yet know, I may have a tiiiiiny bit of a ‘thing’ for the movie Elf. I never really understood people who could watch movies over and over. Until I saw Elf. Then I understood. And now, 10 years later, I still laugh. Every.single.time. (Smiling’s my favorite!)


Buddy The Elf...what's your favorite color?

Lets be clear about a few things. I don’t watch Elf until after Thanksgiving. Yes, I start getting really excited about the prospect after Halloween rolls around, but I hold out. UNLESS, it is on television the very rare times I am watching. (Which is rare. Like I just got 8 channels last week. (They are free, FYI. Obvi.)   Aaaand 6 of them are MPT. I mean, I referred to it as TELEVISION. I sound like Laura Engalls Wilder, for crying out loud. Maybe I really need to watch more television, er, tv.) Also, if we watch Elf together, I will not talk you through the movie. That is an IRRITATING quality. If you have it you should loose it. Or at least do it less. OK fine, I might sing some. (Baby, it’s cold outside..)

Alright. Transition time…per the usual, I am headed somewhere with this. (THE YELLOW ONES DON’T STOP!)

There are a lot of things you cannot change in life. Like being an elf. Either you are born an elf and work at the North Pole, or you are born a regular-sized person and work not at the North Pole. (Even Will Ferrell couldn’t do it.) Your family is another thing that you cannot change, though some people would like to think this is not a true statement. Whether or not you are tone deaf. That annoying sound you make when you really start laughin hard. The fact you have a longer toe on only one foot. Your row face. Your back squat face. Your face ( lol! Ok maybe with enough $ you can change this a lil bit).

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

There is no changing your genes (not your jeans, you can change those ones). You’re stuck with them. So you need to treat them well.

And that means eating food that your genes like, and that they have been molded to like over the past hundreds of thousands of years. Not the past 100. Or 500. Or even 10,000. Turns out that when we listen to this rule, other things we used to think we could NOT change, begin to change.

Meats, fish, veggies, eggs,  nuts, seeds, berries. Repeat.

Been feeling tired lately? Yeah. Running through the drive through will do that.

Meats, fish, veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds, berries. Repeat.

IBS acting up? Tums in every area of the house? More blemishes on your skin than you would care to have at age 35? Mysterious aches and pains? (Not to be confused with those inflicted by wall walks or wall balls. Damn walls.)

Meats, fish, veggies, eggs,  nuts, seeds, berries. Repeat.

Diabetes? Blood pressure concerns? Heart disease run in your family? Or maybe it’s cancer?

Meats, fish, veggies, eggs,  nuts, seeds, berries. Repeat.

Wait a minute. Fixing what goes into our mouth and changing our health? Even things previously thought of as conditions that cannot change!??! 

That food  combination almost sounds paleo…

Well I’ll be an elf’s uncle. Your genes like paleo!!

A Paleolithic diet is a modern dietary regimen based on foods presumably eaten regularly during the Paleolithic, which includes lean meat, fish, shellfish, fruits, vegetables, roots, eggs and nuts, but not grains,dairy products, salt or refined fats and sugar, which became staple foods long after the appearance of fully modern humans.(link to article)

Eat meats, fish, veggies, eggs,  nuts, seeds, berries. Repeat. Notice positive change. Celebrate by watching Elf.

(Psssst! I know this is old news for some of you, particularly our awesome sauce paleo challenge graduates. But have you SEEN how busy CFR has been? Our lovely newbies need some extra paleo-lovin’!)

Your genes will also like this bisque. Particularly on a cold day. Which works out well since it is almost December.

 Ginger Jalapeno Butternut Bisque

(It’s NOT spicy!)

Your genes approve.

  • 1 Butternut Squash, peeled, seeded, and diced
  • 1/2 sweet onion, cut into large chunks
  • 3 whole cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 1/2 jalapeno, with seeds, sliced
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and thin sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups crockity stockity (or other, lesser, chicken stock)
  •  1/2 can full fat coconut milk
  • salt and pepper, to taste (start with approx 1 tsp each, less salt if using boxed chicken stock)

1. Prep all ingredients, as listed.

2.Mix all ingredients together in your handy dandy crock pot.

3. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours.

4. Transfer contents of crock pot into your blender or food processor and puree until smooth. (You will likely have to do this in batches.)


This makes a LOT of bisque (approx 2 quarts+). I decided to add shredded chicken to half of mine. Cooked, crumbled sausage or turkey would be delicious as well! (if you are scared of ginger or jalapeno, you can leave them out and it will still be delicious!)

How is that for easy?! Even a Will Ferrell-sized elf could do it! (These toilets are ginormous!)

Fit for an elf!

Next week…your internet directory to help continue to stock your puny & perfect paleo pantry.

Until Next Time…






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