Big Goals for 2013

Posted by on Dec 31, 2012 in Articles | 211 comments

2012 was an amazing year for CFR.  We continued to introduce more and more of our friends and family to the wonderful world of strength.  We have continued our goal of forging a stronger, healthier community in Carroll County.  As we prepare to start 2013 we anticipate even greater things at CFR.  It truly has been a great year and we owe it to you, our friends and family at the gym.


It’s no secret that our success depends on your success.  To help you make 2013 an awesome year both in and out of the gym we are going to help you get the year started on the right track.  Each one of you will establish a short term and a long term goal for 2013.  We will share these goals with one another and we will help each other reach our goals.  What makes CFR strong is the power of our community (you) and the support you give each other.  We will commit ourselves and push each other to achieve great things.  Here is how it will work.


Each of you will establish a short term goal (6 months) and a long term goal (before 2014).  The long term goal should be performance oriented (i.e., do 5 chin-ups, total 1000 pounds in a power lifting meet, run a tough mudder, compete in a sprint triathlon).  Ideally this goal will be an event or competition that requires a commitment such as an entry fee or registration.  This makes it much more real from day one and puts something on the line with an actual date on the calendar.  Once you have established the long term goal you will establish a short term goal to help you achieve your long term goal.  Your short term goal should serve as an azimuth check for your long term goal.  It should move you closer or support your long term goal.


Once the long term goal and short term goal have been established, you will need to make a list of implied tasks.  These are the things you must do on a daily and weekly basis to achieve your short and long term goals on time.  Some implied tasks may be proper nutrition, workout consistency, better sleep, or increasing your flexibility.  Here is an example of what the goals and implied tasks may look like for a female at CFR:


Long Term Goal:  Compete at the 2013 USAPL Maryland State Championships (November 2013) in the 132 pound class and total 600 pounds in three lifts.  Specifically a 200 pound squat, 265 pound deadlift, and a 135 pound bench press.

Short Term Goal (6 months):  Squat 185 pounds, deadlift 240 pounds and bench 120 pounds on June 15th (a mock meet).

Implied tasks:

- Miss no more than 4 training days every 6 months

- Increase protein intake by 30 grams per day and eat a paleo diet with an increase in starchy veggies.

- Attack each training session with intensity and focus

- Get 8 hours of sleep each day

- Purchase weightlifting shoes and a belt ASAP


The implied tasks are all things this individual will need to do in order to meet her short term goals and eventually, her long term goals.  The implied tasks should be evaluated every couple weeks to make sure they are being followed and working.  Adjustments to implied tasks can be made to keep pushing closer toward the short and long term goals.  By June 15th she will compete in a mock power lifting meet at the gym and will hit her short term goal which will put her long term goal well within reach for the November MD state championships.


This is only an example.  You will need to come up with your own.  If you are having trouble ask us.  We will help you establish your plan to ensure you start on the right track to achieve your goals.  We want you to achieve great things in 2013 and we want to help you get there.  Reach out to us and let’s start 2013 off with a big challenge.


You will need to establish both a short term goal and a long term goal within the next week (by Monday January 7th).  Please email your long and short term goals to beau82nd at gmail dot com or post them in the comments.  Sharing your goals and ideas in the comments section here will help inspire others.  We will consolidate them as a gym and post them at CFR for all to see.  You will be able to see each other’s goals and help each other work toward them in 2013.  We do not need your implied tasks but if you need help or would like to have us check them out, by all means email them to us.  If you would like to compete in an event (triatholon, tough mudder, powerlifting meet, weightlifting meet, 5k, strong man/women) and don’t know where to start, we will help you find one.


What do you think?  Are you ready?  Have your goals already?  Make them big!






19 Responses to “Big Goals for 2013”

  1. This is awesome!! Now to think of a good goal, yikes! Looking forward to seeing the different things we all come up with and supporting everyone’s journey!! Happy 2013 my CFR friends!!!

  2. I’m pretty excited also Kristen. I will be able to personalize everyone’s fitness a little more based on their goals. It will also be up for public display do anyone can see it and ask each other how it’s going. We will celebrate each achievement as a community.

  3. My goal is to run enough to master the olympic triathlon…and keep my shoulder from shredding on the swim. My hatred of running is totally mental!

    • Let’s get the plan Missie. I’ll help with the training program, you get your short term goal and implied tasks worked out and let’s get started.

  4. Lisa Brown says:

    My short term goal is to deadlift 175. My longterm is to participate in the tough mudder in 2014 (lol) Cracked me up writing that but it really is my goal

  5. I know my short term goal is a strict pull up/chin up and I’d like to have that completed my the end of April (1 yr at CFR) but I have no idea what my long term goal is… I could use some assistance :) Thanks!

  6. Cindy Lowry says:

    So my long term goal is to compete in the Strongwoman challenge again in Sept, and hopefully rank a little higher! I would also like to do the mock meet in June. My short term goal is to bs #185, dl #240, chp #140. Hopefully by maintaining a strict paleo diet and this time actually keeping a food log I will do this. Oh yes, and IMPROVE my running!

  7. Jim Krajick says:

    My short term goals are to remove the weaknesses in my power clean form and increase my grip strength. My long term goal is to get my PL total > 800 lbs. I’m shooting for a BS > 300; DL > 300 and BP > 200.

  8. Laura Rhodes says:

    Not up to everyone else’s speed but here are my goals:
    To continue the weight loss journey I started last year but do it with diet AND strength training…. to be a size 8 by the end of the year and not struggle with my asthma as much. ( I lost 67 lbs last year- from a size 20 to a size 10/12)

    To do that I am going to aim to get all my lifts at RX within the year and go strict Paleo.

    Short term goals- to increase my workouts at Crossfit from 2-3 times a week to 4-5 times a week (I’ve already rearranged my work schedule starting next week), and on the days off I MUST exercise…. preferably (ha!) practicing my burpees and turkish get ups….. so that I can stop hating them. :)

  9. Here we go… My Long Term Goal is to increase my overall strength and do the following. Bench my weight (155) and Squat 250. Along with this I want to be able to do at least 1 WOD per week at RX.
    My short term goals are to maintain 4 work outs per week even though I travel. Keep my jump rope in my suitcase etc. Also to complete the Tough Mudder in April and do all obstacles regardless of my fear of being in a tiny tube half submerged in water!!!

  10. Brenda Rohrbaugh says:

    Long term goal: to avoid the nursing home…

    Short term goal: build strength and balance….

    In between goal: November Md State comp to beat my record and get another “gold”.

  11. Michael Bellew says:

    Short term goal: lose 40lbs by August 2nd (My Wedding)

    Long term goal: more respectable bench and squat weights,

    Bench: 350
    Squat: 350

  12. Mona Becker says:


    (1)My short term goal is to be able to do handstands. They always freak me out and I give up on them. They scare me, so it will be good to tackle them as a short term goal. I also want to set new PRs at the Equinox Open in March.

    (2) Long term goals. By Maryland States in November, I want to have a 300 pound back squat and a deadlift over 350 pounds. I would like to break the 100 pound bench I have been stalled at and have a 120 pound bench press.

  13. Kimbelry Muniz says:

    My long-term goals for November’s powerlifting competition are to backsquat 230#, bench 140#, and deadlift 230#. I also want to do weighted chin-ups and a one handed handstand!

  14. Tracey McKelvie says:

    Short term goals: Be able to do a handstand, win Paleo challenge, workout 6 times/week, and do a strick push-up.

    Long term goal: do a strick pull up and be able to do knees to bar.

  15. Teresa Baile says:

    For my long term goal I want to compete in the Strongwomen competition in September. But this time I want to compete in the Athletic category as opposed to the Fun category. Another long term goal I have is to back squat 200lb by the end of the year.
    For my short term goal I want to do 3 strict chin/pull-ups and a handstand push-up by June. Another short term goal is to maintain a consistent workout routine of 3-4 days/week.

  16. Bobbie Lidard says:

    Participate in Warrior Dash in May and Strong Woman Challenge in September.
    Want to back squat 125#, Bench 100#, and Deadlift 200# by end of year.
    Want to be a size 6 by March 6 (my birthday)
    Will learn to jump rope, master a strict push up, and do chin up and pull up without bands. Would also like to master handstand, but have to get over fear of falling on head first.
    Vow to eat Paleo at least 80% of time and eliminate all added sugar from diet.

  17. Jim Krajick says:

    My short term goals are to increase my grip strength (not quite sure how to measure this yet) and be able to do a 3K on the rower in a 10 rounds of row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute workout.

    My long term goal is to break a PL total of 800 lbs.

    > 300 lb Squat
    > 300 lb Deadlift
    > 200 lb Bench

  18. Bill Rhodes says:

    I hereby am announcing my CFR 2013 goals:

    My short term goal, by June 15th, is to perform 6 (or more) strict pull/chin ups. No band, no kips.

    This parlays into my long term goal of achieving a time of <6 minutes of that witch WOD: FRAN.

    "I am clearing my mind of can’t".

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